
A-level biology is a fantastic subject to have, offering you access to a huge variety of fields in both university courses and careers. A-level biology is an interesting all-around subject and having A-level biology puts you in an extremely good position when you are applying to universities and/or jobs.

Biology covers how everything in the natural world functions, from plant to human life, so biology has the utmost relevance to the world.  As a result of these examples of biology being seen everywhere in life, A-level biology is an interesting and easy-to-understand subject that broadly covers a range of topics.

In AS-level biology you are introduced you to the basic principles of biology and this final mark makes up 50% of the final A-level grade. A recognised and highly regarded qualification, having an AS-level biology is a great way to broaden your skills. AS level biology is a great complementary subject, going hand-in-hand with physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, psychology, sociology and many other subjects.

Having A-level biology can open up a world of opportunities in both university choices and career options. If you are considering applying to university to study biology, zoology, ecology, animal science, marine biology, life sciences, medicine, environmental science, forensic science or any other subject related to the natural world, then A-level biology is essential, with many other courses preferring biology at either AS or A-level.